Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Shiraz or Merlot?

Rain, rain… go away! You’ve drenched and quenched So. Cal. for almost a week now! Not that I mind the rain… It’s the annoying weather reporters and their over-dramatic forecasts that get me going! The water flowing on the street is NOT a flood and this is NOT a West Coast Katrina situation… it’s just RAIN!

On rainy days… I enjoy lounging next to my fireplace… drinking a glass of red wine… and sympathizing for those who are less fortunate with their current state of weather… or situation.

For those of you who love hydration and red wine… may I suggest 100% Pure’s Red Wine Resveratrol Hydrate Concentrate.

It won’t make you feel loose as a goose… but I guarantee it will make you look like you dipped your head in the fountain of youth.

Now excuse me while I go jump in some puddles! xo

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Sooooo 2010 began with a bang! Not only did I get to visit titillating Tokyo… but the whole time I was there I had dozens of adoring fans praise my hard work and good looks. Exciting yet exhausting!

Of all the wonderful products I peddled, the Tokyo teens got the biggest kick out of my pocket rockets. Not THOSE pocket rockets… but Urban Decay’s Pocket Rocket Lip Gloss. With a flick of your wrist… and a smack of your lips… eye candy never tasted so good!

My personal favorite is James (we both love the color pink)… but there are 8 yummy men to choose from. *wink*

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Konnichiwa from Little Tokyo!

During these last moments of the decade… I, Takahatchi, have decided to grace the people of Japan… with my presence. Sorry Rico and Company… Don’t miss me too much.

When traveling to Japan, I make sure my assistant packs my Travel Kit by Boscia… because I refuse to use any other product. All good things come from Japan… especially this botanical based and preservative-free complexion care regime.

I predict that 2010 will be a dazzling and flawless year for everyone… Viva La Viva Swag! xox

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

“Merii Kurisumasu” (means Merry X-Mas in Japanese)

As I get ready to celebrate another sunny Southern California Christmas… I can’t help but reminisce about my days in Japan, especially Kyoto.

The shrines, temples, bridges, and most importantly, the cherry blossoms… which bloom as soon as Winter is over!

But yes, Winter is just beginning! And you know what that means? It means that it’s time to fill up the tub and indulge in a long, hot, refreshing bath!

Thanks to Get Fresh and their splendid Memories of Kyoto Set… you can sit back, relax, and dream about your visit to Japan. And while you’re doing that… I’ll be packing my bags for my red carpet return back home.

Sayonara sweetheart! xo

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

All I Want For Christmas is Jimmy Stewart…

During the holidays I simply CANNOT live without watching “It’s a Wonderful Life” at least 5 times on television. It inspires me to get out there and find the perfect gifts for my loved ones… in order to renew their spirits AND their skin.

Thanks to Viva Swag and SpaRitual, Holiday shopping has never been easier! It’s a Wonderful Life! Eco-Luxury Holiday Gift Set will bring peace, harmony, and silky skin to whoever is lucky enough to receive a present from me.

All I ever wanted for X-mas was Jimmy Stewart.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Viva Wish List!

That’s right! The holiday season is here. Better get a head start telling your loved ones what you want, rather than receiving a stock gift… you know, another picture frame or cheap lotion.

Speaking of lotions, my all time favorite scent is vanilla. How I adore that smooth, creamy, delectable aroma. The holidays are a time for indulging… so why not indulge in a gift that will elegantly caress your skin, as well as entice your senses.

Bonjour L’Occitane and thank you for your Vanilla Shea Star Kit.

Not only does it make me reminisce about my days of frolicking in the provinces of France… but it makes me feel and smell absolutely divine.

Au revoir stale skin.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

To cleanse?… OR to stuff?

THAT is the question. And believe me, it’s NOT a trick question.

It’s that dysfunctional time of year again. When Americans have a valid excuse to stuff their faces and pass out at the end of the night without even cleansing their ever so delicate skin! Where is the shame? It was probably forced down with that last bite of pumpkin pie!

Speaking of pumpkin pie… you don’t have to wait until Thanksgiving to indulge in your love for pumpkin. MyChelle Dermaceuticals Creamy Pumpkin Cleanser is available all year long!

Pumpkin is an antioxidant that strengthens the skin and aids exfoliation. Pumpkin pie is a dessert that satisfies your taste buds for 5 minutes and piles on tons of calories.